Source verson 5103 C# (Stream)

Source verson 5103 C# (Stream)

Server Systems

Class(Trojan- Taoist- Ninja - Warrior - Archer)

 Old School- Socket one - socket Two- Damge 7 - level 137 - Compose   Enchant - Upgdare Items - Dwn Items - Upgrade Quality - Add Gem - Tower - Fan - No Steed

vip - Arena - Friends - Enemies - Partners - ChangName - Marriage - lucky House - First Rebirth -Second Rebirth - cps - money - Shop Mall

Edit points - Change Gender - Change size - Donation - House - Furniture - Gear lock - Mining - Auto Hunt - Auto Pike -BroadcastMessage

Guild(Add Player - Remove Player - Ally - Enemies - Massge - Transfer Leadr - Guild Beast - Guild war Bomb )

Online Points - Diora Monsters - Guard - Pets - UnlimitedArena - Bot Arena -New 55 Garment - Merchanit - new Map - Redeem item - vote - Auto invite - HeavenBlessing - new maps - New Npc

SystemBanned - SystemBanned ip - SystemBanned Mac - SystemBanned Chat - Full Back UP - cps Stake- Log Syestm

*Full attack (Nobility -Bp - P_Attack-Defence-MagicAttack-MagicDefence-Dodge-AgilityAtack-PhysicalPercent-Damage-Bless-PhysicalDamageIncrease-MagicDamageIncrease-PhysicalDamageDecrease-MagicDamageDecrease)

PlayerCommand( TabEnemy - TabAlly - EditPoints)


Second Rebirth -CelestialStone - MoonBox - Tower - Fan - DisCity -GuildWar-EliteGuildWar-ClassPkWar-CouplesPKWar-weeklypk-Monthlypk-KingOfTheHill-FrozenSky - Army Token

TreasureThief-LastManStand--SuperGuildwar-Satan- Guardwar - 2 Hunt Map - Meteor Tar - bomb - Lab City - blue mouse - Skay Pass - Meteor Dove - Cleen water -

boss [8]

Titan - Ganoderma - Monster EXP -BeautyBeast -Delhab -Hulk-RedHell-Beast

Special Control Panel 

What you can do with control panels (live control) 

You can create a new account with all the data

You can modify all account data

You can see all status data for all accounts

You can modify all status data for all accounts

You can give the player specific items

You can give the player complete character elements with full control over them

You can remove items from gear, bag or bank

You can give the player any skill you want

You can remove any skill you want

You can give account ban to account

You can remove an account ban for any account

You can give an IP ban to any account

You can remove the IP ban for any account

You can give ban chat to an account

You can remove ban chat for any account

You can download a fake game manager character without logging in

You can talk to the players while they talk to you without being inside the game

You can talk to all players at once and you can open any site they have

You can control the attack of all the skills of all characters live without restarting the server


Server Contents

Source Code



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Discord : MrRayzo#1235

About MrRayzo

This is a short description in the author block about the author. You edit it by entering text in the "Biographical Info" field in the user admin panel.


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